Re: [RadiusNT] Calls Table Information

Josh Hillman ( (no email) )
Sat, 5 Feb 2000 10:28:51 -0500

> Josh Hillman wrote:
> >
> > RadiusNT 2.5.209 also inserts the non-trimmed usernames into the Calls
> > (e.g. "SOMEDOMAIN\username" instead of the trimmed "username"). I don't
> > have any records in the Calls table where Username like '% %' though.
From: Dale E. Reed Jr. <>
> Set the registry trimname setting to 3 and it shouldn't.

Setting this to 3 handles authentication correctly, but "DOMAIN\username" is
still being entered into the Calls table instead of just "username". I
think this behavior started with RadiusNT 2.5.206 (our earliest Calls record
where username like '%\%' is from 12/1/99). Prior to that, only "username"
was being entered into the calls table.


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