RE: [RadiusNT] What's Up Gold 4.0 and RadiusNT

Jim Whaley ( (no email) )
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 15:26:30 -0500

I changed the expect to \bD ...

What's Up Gold still (annoyingly) says that radius is down.

This is what radius -x15 has to say about it:

radrecv: Request from host 9bd40147 code=1, id=68, length=44 User-Name =
Password = "abcdefghijklmnop"
SQL Statement: Select DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(), DateAdd(Day,
(ma.Extension+ma.OverDue+1), maExpireDate)), DateDiff(Minute, GetDate(),
DateAdd(Day, sa.Extension+1, saExpireDate)), sa.AccountID, sa.AccountType,
sa.Password, sa.Login, sa.Shell, sa.LoginLimit From MasterAccounts ma,
SubAccounts sa Where sa.Login='wupg' AND ma.CustomerID=sa.CustomerID and
sa.Active<>0 and ma.Active<>0

Checking for duplicate logins.

SQL Statement: RadCheckOnline 'wupg'

wupg found on-line 0 time(s).

SQL Statement: RadGetConfigs 15106

SQL Statement: RadGetATConfigs 'PPP'

Sending Ack of id 68 to 9bd40147 ( User-Service =
Framed-Protocol = PPP
Resp Time: 120 Auth: 5/0 -> 5 Acct: 5/0/0 -> 5

-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of Dale E. Reed Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: [RadiusNT] What's Up Gold 4.0 and RadiusNT

Jim Whaley wrote:
> OK, I made some changes, and it works a little differently, but What's Up
> Gold still says that Radius is down.
> I made your change:
> \aD/@,0123456789012345\a\fwupg\b%18abcdefghijklmnop
> Also, I think the "/" in front of the "@" sign should have been a "\" and
> changed that also.

The first 4-5 characters in the request must match the expect, except
the second character will be a b rather than an a.

> Could you explain what the stuff on that line above is? What is the
> "0123456789012345"? Is that the secret that I should have in the servers
> table? should I HAVE a secret in the servers table?

Its a 16 character random vector. Its really just a placeholder for

> Sending Ack of id 68 to 9bd40147 ( User-Service =
> It seems like I'm pretty close at this point....

Yes. RadiusNT is acking the request, so now we just have to see
why WUPG isn't matching the ACK.

Try just this on the expect:

Expect: \bD


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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