Re: [Emerald] PayMethod = 'Closed'

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Mon, 22 May 2000 17:41:46 -0400

Josh Hillman wrote:
> The following has been in the Emernew.txt file since late last year, but
> nowhere does it state what is special about it. I assume it is related to
> the cancellation of an account, but how is it different from setting
> PayMethod to "Other" or simply setting Active=0? Right now, we set
> PayMethod to "Other" to prevent further invoicing if the person wants to
> cancel at the end of when he/she's currently paid thru. If the person wants
> to cancel right there and then, we don't bother doing anything with the
> PayMethod because MasterAccounts.Active will be set to 0 at that time
> anyway.
> * Added a paymethod of "Closed" to the list. You need to add the
> payment closed to your PayMethods table using the following statement,
> or you will get an error if you try to save a user with that paymethod.
> INSERT INTO PayMethods(PayMethod, GrooupID, SortOrder)
> VALUES('Closed', NULL, 8)

Its a true closed, and works a lot like Other/Custom does. We have
some customers who use Other/Custom for other things that wanted a
true closed, since they couldn't use other/custom to mean closed.

Also, a big difference is a closed account with additional non-applied
charges will get a final "closing" invoice, with the additional charges.
Closed/Other will not.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT/X__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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