Re: [Emerald] odd links in payments table

Ben Conner ( )
Mon, 03 Apr 2000 16:55:00 -0700

At 01:35 PM 4/3/00 , you wrote:
>Ben Conner wrote:
>This is covered in the changes.txt file for 327 and higher (see below).
>The original query defined in the 303 section has additional information
>about this as well.

To fix the rows in the payment, I set the invoiceid field to null for those
entries that fell outside the timeframe of the payperiod for that
client. Are there any other repurcussions that might cause?

On a related note, the Previous Balance appears to be 0 for all
invoices. That appears to come from the previousbalance field in the
invoice table. Is this something that is still broken? How is it supposed
to work?

+ Ben Conner +
+ Web World, Inc. (714) 639-0595 voice +
+ PO Box 6548-107 (714) 744-4825 fax +
+ Orange, Ca 92863 +

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