Re: [Emerald] New Adjustment

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Thu, 30 Mar 2000 21:27:01 -0800

David Routh wrote:
> >> I noticed that when I try to add a credit to an MBR, via New Adjustment,
> >> that it shows up as a Charge... This happens even though I choose Credit...
> >>
> >> This is on .329... any ideas why this is happening...
> >
> >Do you mean via the history screen? It should be a Negative Charge,
> >which is really a credit to Emerald.
> Yes, on the History screen. It shows up as a negative charge (with the
> ()'s...) but it says Charge under Type on the History screen.

If you modify your History Stored Proc with Enterprise, change the
Charges part of the union to:

Select LastModifyDate, CASE When Amount < 0 then "Credit" ELSE "Charge"
END, ABS(Amount) as Amount, Description, ChargeID
From Charges
Where CustomerID = @CustomerID

And then it will display the way that you want.

> I'm assuming that it won't go against the MBR until the next invoice is
> created (Renewal).

Thats correct.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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