Re: [Emerald] Emerald 2.5 Invoices

Dale E. Reed Jr. ( (no email) )
Wed, 09 Feb 2000 11:23:27 -0800

Josh Hillman wrote:
> I finally got our CCEmail.rpt and CCReject.rpt files (CR 6) displaying
> correctly in email for the most part. At the moment, the only problem I'm
> having is that they don't display ExternalTrans.Response for some reason.
> They display ExternalTrans.ReqDate with no problem (I can't use ProcDate at
> the moment because all of my ProcDates = 1/1/1900 for some reason). If I
> can figure out how to get ExternalTrans.Response to display and also change
> the date display to show the time as well as the date, I'd be happy--right
> now, it only shows the date without the time of day.

If you check your ExternalTrans table, is the response lines filled in?

If you make a formula in CR with two strings, and one is NULL, the
will be blank. I've ran into problems like that before. Sometimes
the report option "convert NULL to default" helps display those
fields, based on what your DEFAULT is.


Dale E. Reed Jr. Emerald and RadiusNT__________________________________________IEA Software, Inc.

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