RE: [Emerald] Change Default Directory

David V. Brenner ( (no email) )
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 15:36:57 -0800

> I am unable to change the default dir location for my users webs
> in Emerald.
> It is still using the old directory location. EmerAdmin does not work for
> the FTP settings. Any ideas on how I change it.

What you see in your services under your MBRs is an initial default value
with your user's login appended to it. Unfortunately, defining a new
default value will only affect new users or those services where there is no
value in the home directory field when the login field is changed.

To effect the change you are looking for, you'll need an SQL query that
searches for the old string and replaces it with the new one. I am not sure
how substrings are handled in SQL, but that is essentially what you're
doing: searching for one substring and replacing it with another. You could
also do it in Access by linking to the MasterAccounts table and using
Access's query wizard to build an update query.

David V. Brenner -
International Services Network Corporation

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