[Emerald] Error adding MBR

Humberto Guzman ( (no email) )
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 20:07:05 -0600


I upgraded to emerald 2.5 this past weekend, installing a new server with
this version and leaving the old server as backup...

But I get the following error when trying to add a MBR:

INSERT MasterAccounts(ReferredBy, FirstName, LastName, Company, Address1,
Address2, City, State, Zip, PhoneHome, PhoneWork, PhoneFax, SalesPerson,
Region, CreateDate, StartDate, maExpireDate, Extension, Active, PayPerios,
PayMethod, PayInfo, PaidThru, Last Received, PONumber, PrePaid,
CreditCardNumber, CreditCardExpire, CreditCardAuth, CreditCardAuthBill,
Comments, LastModifyDate, LastModifyUser, Balance, OverDue, SendMethod,
GroupID, OverLimit, Taxable, BillingCycleID, BilledThru)

I already tried searching on IEA's website for an answer (such as the
dateformat) without success...

Humberto Guzman

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