[Emerald] Records

Jason ( (no email) )
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 09:21:21 -0600

When I open up Emerald Manager at the bottom I see my licensing information
with the number of licenses I have now and how many are used (ie.
1164/1200). Now when I use MSQuery and pull a listing of all the records
from the Emerald DB:

(SELECT SubAccounts.PhoneHome, SubAccounts.PhoneWork, SubAccounts.LastName,
SubAccounts.FirstName, SubAccounts.Login, SubAccounts.Password,
FROM Emerald.dbo.SubAccounts SubAccounts)

I get a total of records (1111) that is 53 less that what shows in the
Emerald Manager (1164).

Any ideas as to why this happens? My billing/accounting people are going
nuts trying to get those numbers to match.


Jason Roblyer

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