Important information for upgrading from Emerald 2.5: You may have duplicate call records in the 2.5 table or in the RadLogs table. During conversion this result in a SQL message stating a "Primary Key Constraint violation has occured". These messages are intentionaly shown to allow you to correct the data in the 2.5 database. You may choose ignore to ignore that record and Emerald will attempt to finish converting the database. The statements created by Emerald during conversion are merely marker statements to tell the Emerald V4 billing engine where to start creating statements. It is important to batch both invoices and statements after conversion to set the values correctly in the MBR's. Without doing this, one may see incorrect values as the statement "roll up" has not occured (payments and credits were not applied). With larger database > 5,000 MBRs the database conversion make take in excess of two hours. During this time Internet Explorer may time out. However, the SQL server is still processing the transaction, do not shut down you PC or reboot it. The SQL transaction will complete and then the new database can be accessed. Shutting down the PC will result in the all transactions being "rolled back", essentially creating a blank database. If you encounter as error during conversion, cut and paste that error into an email to This information will be very useful in diagnosing the source of the data problem. Pressing the abort key on any SQL message or error will result in a blank database with the name you specified. There will be no data in it and no EmeraldV4 tables. Notes about configuration of Emerald V4: The print engine in Emerald V4 requires a DSN called Emerald4, it must be trusted. You do not have to use this for EmeraldV4, but you must have a System DSN called Emerald4 for reports to work correctly.